RxFiles: Opioid Use Disorder


Our guide to prescribing medications for the management of opioid use disorder.

OUD Newsletter, May 2021

A comprehensive collection of our opioid use disorder materials. Your one-stop-shop! Contains additional materials not found below. 

Opioid Agonist Therapy Colour Comparison Chart

Colour chart describing the comparative advantages and disadvanges of methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone (SUBOXONE). 

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Q&A

Answers commonly asked questions about buprenorphine-naloxone.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Infographic

Buprenorphine-naloxone (SUBOXONE) infographic for opioid use disorder.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Microdosing Infographic

A visual guide to microdosing buprenorphine-naloxone (SUBOXONE).

PEER Buprenorphine-Naloxone Pathway [external link]

Describes pearls for screening, treating, and monitoring HIV, including a full comparison of HIV medications (NRTIs, INSTIs, PIs, NNRTIs, combination tablets, injectable regimens, and PK boosters).

Opioid Use Disorder: Overview and Drug Comparison Chart

Compares buprenorphine/naloxone to methadone; describes various induction strategies; details dosing, adverse events, contraindications, drug interactions, monitoring, cost, and drug coverage of buprenorphine/naloxone & methadone; gives tips on managing special populations and clinical challenges.

Opioid Withdrawal Prescription

Downloadable prescription for prescribing medications to ease opioid withdrawal.

Harm Reduction Chart

Describes the level of harm reduction evidence for various sustances and activities. 

Concomitant Chronic Pain & Opioid Use Concerns

Provides a guide to managing chronic pain in people who also have opioid use concerns.  

Acute Pain Management for People on Chronic Opioids

Provides a guide to managing acute pain in people who also use opioids (including for opioid use disorder).

Take Home Naloxone Chart

Describes who should receive a naloxone kit, naloxone patient education, and dosing, cost, drug coverage, formulations, and monitoring of naloxone.

Urine Drug Screening Chart

Describes who should undergo urine drug screening, why urine drug screening is valuable, and how urine drug screening should be implemented and interpreted.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone: Patient Booklet

An information booklet for patients who inject drugs and want to keep themselves safe.

Available in colour or in black and white for easy printing.

A hard copy of this booklet is also available for purchase in our online store. 

Injecting Drugs: Patient Booklet

An information booklet for patients who inject drugs and want to keep themselves safe.

Available in colour or in black and white for easy printing.

A hard copy of this booklet is also available for purchase in our online store. 

Opioid Agonist Therapy: Patient Booklet

An information booklet for patients thinking about starting a medication for opioid use disorder. 

Available in colour or in black and white for easy printing.

A hard copy of this booklet is also available for purchase in our online store. 

Structured Opioid Therapy Poster

A poster to raise patient awareness of Structured Opioid Therapy. Developed through a collaboration with Sinai Health, CAMH, SHA, and ISMP. Available in English or in French. Hosted with permission of Sinai Health.

Beyond Stigma: Treating Pain in Opioid Use Disorder [external link]

This animated video was created by Subject Matter (with support from RxFiles Academic Detailing and other organizations) to explore the impact of stigma on all aspects of treatment for people living with opioid use disorder. It was created in collaboration with academics, clinicians, and people with lived experience.

Beyond Stigma: Nurturing Circles of Care [external link]

This animated video was created by Subject Matter (with support from RxFiles Academic Detailing and other organizations) to explore the compounding effects of colonialism and institutional racism on the experience of stigma for Indigenous peoples with opioid use disorder. It was created in collaboration with academics, clinicians, and people with lived experience.

© Copyright 2023 RxFiles Academic Detailing

RxFiles Academic Detailing is part of the University of Saskatchewan and our main offices are situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

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