RxFiles: Migraines


A guide to prescribing medications for migraines.

Migraine Newsletter, April 2022

A selected collection of the documents below. 

Acute Migraine Infographic

An infographic providing a simplified approach to acute migraine therapy. 

Migraine Prophylaxis Infographic

An infographic providing a simplified approach to migraine prophylaxis.

Medication Overuse Headache Infographic

An infographic providing a simplified approach to medication overuse headache. 

Migraine Overview and Drug Comparison Chart

Provides an approach to migraine management and compares migraine medications side-by-side for both acute and prophylaxis. 

Migraine Prophylaxis Colour Comparison Chart

Compares pros and cons of different drug therapies for migraine prophylaxis.

Migraine Q&A

What is the risk of serotonin syndrome when a triptan is prescribed concomitantly with an SSRI?
Which acute migraine medications are safe for use in pregnancy?
Fremanezumab (CGRP antagonist) for migraine prophylaxis: what is the dosing, benefits, risk, and cost?
What is the evidence for using ACEIs and ARBs for migraine prophylaxis? 
What are the risk factors for developing medication overuse headache? 

Medication Overuse Headache Trial Summary

Trial summary comparing three treatment strategies for managing medication overuse headache: withdrawal of acute medications, inititation of prophylaxis, or both.

Serotonin Syndrome Infographic
[External Link]

An infographic guiding providers on assessing and managing the risk of serotonin syndrome.
Linked with permission University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy ©Pharmacy5in5.com.

Headache Diary
[External Link]

A tool for helping your patients track their headaches. 
Linked with permission from Migraine Canada. 

Medication Overuse Headache Patient Booklet

A patient booklet for encouraging patients to cure their medication overuse headache. 

Available in colour or in black and white.

© Copyright 2024 RxFiles Academic Detailing

RxFiles Academic Detailing is part of the University of Saskatchewan and our main offices are situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

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