RxFiles: Menopause


Our guide to the management of menopause in primary care. 

Menopause Newsletter, October 2023

A selected collection of the documents below. 

Menopause Overview and Drug Comparison Chart

Describes an approach to therapy, specific symptom management, when to stop contraception, how to manage adverse effects from systemic therapy, duration of therapy, and compares pharmacological and nonpharmacological options. 

Menopause FAQs

What is the vaginal estrogen safety data and why is there an FDA black box warning for vaginal estrogen?
What are the differences between vaginal products in terms of systemic absorption?
Can vaginal estrogens be used to treat GSM in those with a history of breast cancer?
What is meant by the term "bioidentical hormone therapy" (BHT)?
Can MIRENA IUD (levonorgestrel) be used off-label for endometrial protection in women with an intact uterus who are on systemic estrogen for VMS?
Is there a risk of dementia associated with menopause hormone therapy (MHT)?
Can MHT be used in patients who experience migraines?
Does MHT help with depressive symptoms during the menopause transition or in post-menopausal women?
Does MHT help improve sexual desire?

Menopause Trial Evidence Summary

Summarizes evidence from the WHI, Million Womens Study, WHIMSY, WHIMS, KEEPS, ELITE, and DOPS trials, as well as observational evidence.

MQ6.ca Algorithm [External Link] 

Algorithm on treatment options for menopause. Linked with permission. 

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RxFiles Academic Detailing is part of the University of Saskatchewan and our main offices are situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

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